Commercial Drive Complete Street Pilot - Add Bike Lanes, Patios & Public Space Now!

This demonstrates the value of making pilot changes quickly then monitoring and getting feedback from the community and making improvements as needed.
In April, Toronto City Council approved the Midtown Complete Street Pilot on Yonge Street that includes patios and protected bike lanes as per the image above.
Commercial Near Broadway Commercial Station
On the south, ideally the lanes would connect to Commercial Street and the BC Parkway via St. Reallocating a lane of traffic would create enough space for a separated bike lane. In some sections, parking could be reallocated to create patios, public space with seating, loading zones or more space for walking & rolling depending on the surrounding use. Generally, the city should discourage parking except some for wheelchair users near rapid transit stations.
Broadway and Commercial
At Broadway and Commercial, add bus lanes, reallocate the curb lane for protected bike lanes and ban right hand and left hand turns. This will make the intersection safer for everyone plus help ensure turning vehicles don't block the bus lane and conflict with people cycling.
Ban turns from NB and SB Commercial onto Broadway
Rather surprised these turns are allowed. Unsignalized left turns are particularly dangerous especially for people walking. Right turning vehicles are both dangerous to pedestrians and often block buses while waiting for the large number of people walking and rolling in the crosswalks slowing bus service down and making it less predictable.
Not surprisingly, this intersection has the highest number of Crashes on Commercial with 14 from 2015 through 2019 according to ICBC. Five people cycling were in crashes with motor vehicles here. The highest for an intersection on Commercial with that is not a cycling route. It is also the highest for drivers with 489 crashes in that 5 years. This amounts to a crash around every 4 days.
Please email Mayor and Council NOW!
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