Ban SUVs - Save Lives and Help Stop the Climate Crisis

Ban SUVs - Save Lives and Help Stop the Climate Crisis

SUVs are dangerous especially to people walking, cycling, and rolling and a leading cause of the climate crisis.

A report from the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration that found that:

A SUV or pickup crashing into a person walking is 2 to 3 times more likely to kill them than a passenger car.

Prime Minister Trudeau, Minister Alghabra and Minister Wilkinson

SUVs crashes were a leading cause of the skyrocketing deaths of people walking, which increased 46% between 2009 and 2018, according to an investigation by The Detroit Free Press and USA Today. 

According to Growing preference for SUVs challenges emissions reductions in passenger car market based on an analysis published World Energy Outlook:

SUVs were the second-largest contributor to the increase in global CO2 emissions since 2010 after the power sector, but ahead of heavy industry as well as trucks and aviation.

Prime Minister Trudeau, Minister Alghabra and Minister Wilkinson

Bigger and heavier cars, like SUVs, are harder to electrify. Their rising demand may slow down the development of clean and efficient car fleets.

Prime Minister Trudeau, Minister Alghabra and Minister Wilkinson

A Report on Toronto, Vancouver traffic reveals outsized health risks posed by trucks and SUVs states:

While pollutants from tailpipe exhaust have declined as cars have become cleaner, those emissions have been overtaken by other sources of traffic pollution, including fine particles and metal dust from increased wear on brakes and tires, a trend researchers say matches the growing prevalence of heavier consumer vehicles such as SUVs.

A study from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety found that:

SUVs Are 28 Percent More Likely To Kill Other Drivers In A Crash

Prime Minister Trudeau, Minister Alghabra and Minister Wilkinson

The auto industry is failing to protect people's health and safety and the environment. As a result, folks around the world are demanding that governments take serious action including the banning of SUVs especially in communities where there are lots of people around. Time for Canada to take serious action on the climate and road fatality crisis by banning SUVs.  

Photograph: Yann Schreiber/AFP/Getty Images via 'A deadly problem': should we ban SUVs from our cities?

We call on the federal government to ban the sale of SUVs and large pickup trucks until and unless safety and environmentally problems are addressed. Specially, government regulations must mandate:

  1. safer lower front end designs and other measures eliminating the risk people of walking, cycling, rolling, or occupying other vehicles being killed or seriously injured
  2. significantly lighter vehicles decreasing manufacturing and operating GHG emissions enough to address the climate emergency; decreasing harmful tire and brake dust emissions; and enabling rapid fleet electrification 
220 signatures

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SUVs are dangerous especially to people walking, cycling, and rolling and a leading cause of the climate crisis.

A report from the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration that found that:

A SUV or pickup crashing into a person walking is 2 to 3 times more likely to kill them than a passenger car.

Prime Minister Trudeau, Minister Alghabra and Minister Wilkinson

SUVs crashes were a leading cause of the skyrocketing deaths of people walking, which increased 46% between 2009 and 2018, according to an investigation by The Detroit Free Press and USA Today. 

According to Growing preference for SUVs challenges emissions reductions in passenger car market based on an analysis published World Energy Outlook:

SUVs were the second-largest contributor to the increase in global CO2 emissions since 2010 after the power sector, but ahead of heavy industry as well as trucks and aviation.

Prime Minister Trudeau, Minister Alghabra and Minister Wilkinson

Bigger and heavier cars, like SUVs, are harder to electrify. Their rising demand may slow down the development of clean and efficient car fleets.

Prime Minister Trudeau, Minister Alghabra and Minister Wilkinson

A Report on Toronto, Vancouver traffic reveals outsized health risks posed by trucks and SUVs states:

While pollutants from tailpipe exhaust have declined as cars have become cleaner, those emissions have been overtaken by other sources of traffic pollution, including fine particles and metal dust from increased wear on brakes and tires, a trend researchers say matches the growing prevalence of heavier consumer vehicles such as SUVs.

A study from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety found that:

SUVs Are 28 Percent More Likely To Kill Other Drivers In A Crash

Prime Minister Trudeau, Minister Alghabra and Minister Wilkinson

The auto industry is failing to protect people's health and safety and the environment. As a result, folks around the world are demanding that governments take serious action including the banning of SUVs especially in communities where there are lots of people around. Time for Canada to take serious action on the climate and road fatality crisis by banning SUVs.  

Photograph: Yann Schreiber/AFP/Getty Images via 'A deadly problem': should we ban SUVs from our cities?


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Showing 186 reactions

  • saf saf
    signed 2025-01-08 13:06:18 -0800
  • James Smith
    signed 2024-10-10 17:49:47 -0700
  • Cindy Saaiman
    signed 2024-09-25 17:26:53 -0700
    I value the safety of Australia and it’s citizens
  • Heidi Schatzel
    signed 2024-06-30 18:28:56 -0700
    SUVs and trucks are dangerous for everyone.
  • Erik Olsen
    signed 2024-06-20 13:38:45 -0700
    I dont want earth to become uninhabitable because unlikeable folks wanted to get to places in a large box.
  • Bryan Hicks
    signed 2024-06-10 11:48:52 -0700
    Children should suffer for idiotic parents and irresponsible drivers.
  • Laurent Bellehumeur
    signed 2024-04-12 08:35:06 -0700
    Pickups and SUV are unnecessary dangerous to pedestrians, cyclists and other drivers. They require more space and energy and they damage infrastructure faster. People in these pickups and SUVs tend to feel safer, thus driving in a more dangerous manner. The pursuit for a “safer” bigger car has led to a sort of arms race where everybody wants a bigger car to feel safer from these bigger cars.

    Banning them seem to be the most reasonable and effective way to make the streets safer and reduce energy use.
  • Jacqueline Nikolov
    signed 2024-02-11 17:33:06 -0800
  • Daisy Grey
    signed 2024-01-25 07:09:42 -0800
    This shouldn’t be controversial. But when it comes to companies and their fight to only make money, it’s become clear that this needs to be done.
  • Nicole Crosscut
    signed 2024-01-14 20:45:48 -0800
  • Isabella Chu
    signed 2023-11-30 22:12:25 -0800
    Pedestrian deaths in the US are up 70% since 2010. Among peer nations, these deaths are going down.

    Depending on the year and the source, the US is somewhere between 55 – 75 in road safety worldwide, usually somewhere near Egypt and Mauritius. More than twice as many kids die on US roads than from all pediatric cancers combined.

    I could name stat after stat, but the headline is that the US is uniquely horrible at road safety in general and absolutely rock bottom worst at pedestrian and cyclist safety in particular. Our DOTs and regulators explicitly prioritize the throughput and storage of cars over human life in everything they do.

    One step would be to start banning vehicles like the Tesla Cybertruck which are almost guaranteed to end or catastrophically injure any person they hit. The combination of weight, speed, shape and stiffness of these vehicles is a recipe for injury and death.

    The only thing standing between this car and thousands of deaths is regulatory action. These deaths are not going to go away on their own.


    Isabella Chu
  • Mary Picone
    signed 2023-11-24 15:45:12 -0800
  • Steve Beech
    signed 2023-11-22 01:11:22 -0800
    SUVs have no place on our streets. They’re killing machines.
  • Malcolm Weller
    signed 2023-11-15 06:28:28 -0800
  • Raphael Ponce
    signed 2023-11-09 10:19:43 -0800
  • Sara Tuan
    signed 2023-11-01 01:24:03 -0700
    People driving SUVs think about their own safety only, they do not care about the safety of people around them and because of this, they tend to forget to respect road safety rules when driving. They consume much more petrol than a normal car and contribute to increase pollution, especially in big cities, where SUVs are not necessary.
  • Malcolm McRse
    signed 2023-10-23 19:48:29 -0700
    SUV are terrible from a safety and environmental viewpoints.
  • Stephen Lann
    signed 2023-08-31 22:57:03 -0700
  • Nathan Haught
    signed 2023-08-26 17:47:23 -0700
    It’s time to invest in light rail, commuter trains, bus, bicycle infrastructure and walkable cities. It’s time to ban deadly oversize pickups and suvs. Road rages, high fuel costs, social isolation, the burden of car ownership and being forced to own a car to participate in society is a real issue. This is also a non partisan issue. Big pickups are deadly and it is noticable that a large percentage of people who buy them drive aggressively and intimidate and harass other drivers and bicyclists and pedestrians. Enough is enough. Monster jam belongs in the arenas and fairs, not on roads.
  • Robert Delgado
    signed 2023-08-25 17:19:17 -0700
    Every day I see ridiculous people driving by themselves not fully utilizing their truck/SUV. They are wasting fuel and taking up more space than they need to be using on the road ways. People who drive compact sensible cars do not stand a chance up against any truck/SUV above 5000 pounds. Its scary to be on the roads with these huge machines especially when they are driving over 70MPH!
  • Julie Graham
    signed 2023-08-02 09:12:21 -0700
  • Peter Irvin
    signed 2023-07-22 23:39:36 -0700
  • Bertrand Cousineau
    signed 2023-07-20 13:00:28 -0700
  • Joel Cartier
    signed 2023-06-11 14:32:19 -0700
  • Robert Frederick
    signed 2023-05-13 05:33:04 -0700
    These SUVS are most notable around School drop off/pick up times & due to the congestion of traffic & children create the increased problem of injury &/or death. BAN THEM AT THESE TIMES near schools!
  • Sam Melamed
    signed 2023-05-13 03:36:55 -0700
    SUV’s are killing small children in the cies of Australia, because of hidden " Blind spots" and are a hazard on the city roads which are not wide enough to fit them !
  • Peter Jorgensen
    signed 2023-05-08 16:37:44 -0700
  • Omar Ahmedizzat
    signed 2023-05-06 19:43:54 -0700
    I hate SUV’s, there’s nothing good about them. SUV’s are a curse on the Americas roads.
  • Jose Rodriguez
    signed 2023-04-15 12:21:12 -0700
    Those vehicles shouldn’t exist
  • Yanaïs Kammer-Mayer
    signed 2023-03-29 08:16:20 -0700
    SUVs are everything wrong with car consumerism, they’re dangerous, polluting, ugly and A FUCKING SCAM

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