Dream Big! Massive Investment in Cycling, Walking and Rolling. NOW!
Massive investment is needed NOW to complete cycling, walking and rolling networks in communities across B.C. to give people safe healthy affordable basic mobility choices and to help address the climate crisis.
Please share major cycling, walking and rolling infrastructure vision, projects or network plans that need provincial funding below. Let folks know how much it would help people in your community.
Then you can share it with others so they can write Premier Eby and Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy Heyman.
Note that your postal code may not always return your correct riding, MLA, MP and candidates. Contact Elections BC to verify your riding and candidates. Thanks to OpenNorth for the representative and candidate database.
Tell them Premier Eby and Minister Fleming you Want Massive Investment in Cycling, Walking and Rolling
Let them know what the problems and badly needed projects are in you community and what infrastructure would mean for your family and friends.
mailer?headline==Tell them Premier Eby and Minister Fleming you Want Massive Investment in Cycling, Walking and Rolling&&introduction==Let them know what the problems and badly needed projects are in you community and what infrastructure would mean for your family and friends.&&subpage==bc_funding_letter&&to==government_bc.mlas.leaders.premier,government_bc.mlas.port.transportation.minister&&cc==government_bc.mlas.leaders.!premier,government_bc.mlas.port.trans.!minister,government_bc.mlas.port.fin.*,government_bc.mlas.port.infrastructure.*,government_bc.mlas.port.health.*,government_bc.mlas.port.env.*,mla.local,acturgently&&placeholder==Your message *